Family, Community and State in Ageing Societies
23–25 October 2018, Tehran, I.R. Iran
You can finds below the video presentations and key presentations made at the conference. Other media such as audio records of the conference, photos and proceedings will be made available soon. Please stay tuned.
Conference proceedings

Stories on online media
Day 1: Plenary
By Eduardo Klien, Regional Director, HelpAge International
By Eduardo Klien, Regional Director, HelpAge International
How is demographic change affecting older people and their families?
Presentation by Du Peng, Professor, Institute of Gerontology, Renmin University of China
Presentation by Mohammad-Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Professor, President of Population Association of Iran
How will income sources in old age expand as societies age?
By Giang Thanh Long, Associate Professor, National Economics University, Vietnam
How will the long-term care context evolve as families change?
By Reiko Hayashi, Director, Department of International Research and Cooperation, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (IPSS), Japan
How can social connections beyond the older people’s family flourish in ageing societies?
By Asghar Zaidi, Visiting Professor at Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics
Day 2: Parallel sessions
Income stream
Round 1: What trends in family transfers and personal income in old age will we see with population ageing
Presentation by Jinanggoon Rojananan, Senior Adviser, Policy and Planning, Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board, Thailand
Presentation by Majid Kousheshi, University of Tehran, Head of Demography Department I.R. Iran
Round 2: How can community organisations facilitate work in later life in ageing societies?
Presentation by Le Minh Giang, Head of the Office Vietnam National Committee on Ageing (VNCA)
Presentation by Prakash Tyagi, Executive Director, Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS), India
Round 3: How can ageing societies reach universal pensions coverage and reduce overreliance on household income in old age?
Presentation by Giang Thanh Long, Associate Professor, National Economics University, Vietnam
Presentation by Bazlul Khondker, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Care stream
Round 1: How will trends in family care for older people change in the future?
Presentation by Farshad Sharifi, Professor of Geriatrics and Epidemiology, Scientific Coordinator of Older Person's Health Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Science
Round 2: What are the future drivers of expanding community-based care – civil society, market, government?
Presentation by Ng Wai Chong, Medical Director for the Hua Mei Centre for Successful Ageing, Tsao Foundation, Singapore
Presentation by Ruthe Isden, Head of Health and Care, Age UK
Round 3: What are the most effective ways for government to support when long-term care is provided informally?
Presentation by Ruthe Isden, Head of Health and Care, Age UK
Social inclusion stream
Round 1: What triggers exclusion and isolation in old age and how may these grow in the future?
Presentation by Meimanat Hosseini-Chavoshi, Research Fellow, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne
Presentation by Bondan Sikoki, Researcher, SurveyMETER, Indonesia
Round 2: How can age-friendly communities prevent social isolation in later life?
Presentation by Reza Fadayevatan, Associate Professor, Head of Ageing Department, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, I.R. Iran
Presentation by Mathew Cherian, Chief Executive, HelpAge India
Round 3: What are the most effective ways for government to reduce loneliness in later life as populations age?
Presentation by Justin Derbyshire, Chief Executive, HelpAge International